Internationalisation @ Home
You have spent one or two semesters abroad and want to experience what it’s like to get to know another culture outside of the beach and holidays?
Or you have not yet been abroad, but are interested in foreign cultures and enjoy international exchange?
Would you like to share your experiences with others, try out your language skills or simply extend the international atmosphere of your stay abroad?
Then apply to the Faculty of Law as a Buddy and become a voluntary BUDDY for international students!
The aim is to strengthen the cohesion between local and international students.
- What exactly is a buddy? Buddies are voluntary, committed students interested in international contact who look after foreign students during the semester and especially in the often difficult initial phase. International experience is certainly helpful for this kind of support, but it is not a prerequisite! You can find more information here: Buddy Programme Guide
- What you can expect as a Buddy: Contact with international students and many interesting experiences in intercultural exchange! As a small incentive, you will receive a certificate of participation for your voluntary commitment. This will also be taken into positive consideration for future applications abroad (Erasmus places, etc.)!
- Can I choose my buddy partners? In the Application form for FAU students and Application form for international students (German) or in the Application form for Incomings (English) you will find a column with preferences, gender and language. There is also a field for comments, in which you can indicate, for example, which nationality you would prefer to (co-)supervise. We will try to meet your wishes as best we can, but we cannot commit ourselves to this. The final placement will be made after our Erasmus coordinator, Ms. Wolf, has submitted a completed buddy application form and the partner has been assigned.
- Who is my contact person? The Erasmus coordinator at the Faculty of Law, Ms. Anja Wolf, takes care of the buddy placement. Please simply write an email with the subject „Buddy Programme“ to with the application form attached.
At the Faculty of Law of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg you have the following options for language training:
- You can complete the compulsory language training according to the JAPO, which is mandatory for every lawyer (2 SWS).
- In addition, you also have the opportunity to participate in the Erlangen certificate programme „Fachsprache Jura“, i.e. a particularly intensive specialised language course which provides you with sound language skills important for the legal job market (4-16 SWS).
The Language Centre, a central institution at FAU, supervises and organises the subject-related foreign language courses for lawyers. It offers an attractive range of courses – currently in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian. In addition, the Lectorate for Turkish Law at the Department of Law offers specialised language courses in Turkish.
The compulsory course
The JAPO stipulates that all students must provide proof of achievement of successful participation in a law-related language course (or a foreign language law-related course). This proof of achievement requires successful participation in a subject-related language course of 2 semester hours (SWS), which is concluded with a written final examination with a processing time of 60 – 90 minutes.
The extended specialised language training
In addition to the „compulsory“ programme, the Erlangen certificate programme „Fachsprache Jura“ offers extended foreign language training consisting of both general and subject-specific courses. The programme enables participants to provide employers with evidence of sound specialist language skills through certificates. With a total of 16 SWS (in addition to the above-mentioned compulsory language course), the successful completion of the extended training enables the postponement of the free attempt (§ 37 JAPO) by one semester as well as the acquisition of a particularly high-quality certificate.
If you have any questions about legal language training, the Fachsprache Jura team will be happy to help you at
How does the UN work? What does the work of a diplomat look like? How do States resolve current conflicts of the world?
FAUMUN gives you the answer to all of these questions. Take on the role of a diplomat and represent a Member State of the UN at the worldwide biggest simulation of the United Nations in New York (National Model United Nations – NMUN).
Acquire extensive knowledge about international relations, improve your soft skills and collaborate closely with students from all faculties. As an interdisciplinary and international project, FAUMUN is an exciting addition to all courses of study.
Further info at
The moot court concept is a simulation of (arbitration) court proceedings. The participants take on the role of the lawyers of the respective litigants and represent them in court, sometimes in English, depending on the moot. For this purpose, they prepare briefs on a fictitious case and contest an oral hearing. Many moot courts are held in English.
Further information can be found here:
Do you want to improve your language skills in a foreign language, make interesting contacts from abroad at the same time and help someone improve their own German skills in the process? Then a language tandem might be the right thing for you! Please see:
You can find more information in German here: ZIWIS